Issue #1: Harbourside Kitchen! Printable version here.

Issue #2: Eviction Extravaganza! Printable version here.

Issue #3: We've come this far, we might as well stop!

Friday, May 18, 2012

May 15th Eviction Day Cooking Adventures

May 15th was OccupyNL's eviction day from Harbourside Park. The news vultures couldn't get enough! We were that tasty. However, Harbourside Kitchen, being a nomadic unit of dissent, can't be evicted in the same way, only told to leave a certain area. Only to spring up with more onions, garlic, and ginger the next time around! Needless to say, we had a grand time on the 15th, cooking for everyone for the last time as a formal Occupy encampment. We made Aloo Matar potatoes and peas.

Not only did Erika somehow lose the plastic spoons this time, she also lost her watch at Joey's place! In the end, a local business donated some spoons so we didn't have to eat with our hands. As always, in the end we cook a delicious meal together and everyone enjoys :)

It was all gone so fast! I guess we should have more
than quadrupled the recipe...
Our cooking digs. Harbourside Kitchen loves sharing apparently.
We've come this far, we might as well stop.

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